Monday, November 14, 2011

Last week 40 students of the Midwifery School associated with the Hospital took their final examination. The entire week you could actually feel the level of tension in the air, when you were jumping into some of the students under scrutiny, they all look stressed out…but, oh well, we all know that special feeling before an exam!!
Finally Thursday everything was done and completed so the students and their teachers decided to organize a last second party to celebrate the end of the year. At the party there were all the students and the program was including, as always, and so pleasantly good local food and amazing dances played with the typical musical instruments…the one below is a picture taken during the so called “Bull Dance”…the name is a total program by itself!
Just look at the student in the front of the picture: that is all the energy that comes out after a period of such tension!
The Midwifery School of Kalongo is one of the most renowned in the entire country for its high level of preparation of the students so, CONGRATULATIONS LADIES! Well done to you all!

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